Beyond SPG: Newsletter recommendations

Want to stay updated on science policy-related news but not sure where to start? We have your back!



Follow the latest on California state government. From the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn to wildfires and public education, these newsletters will keep you up to date with the important issues in the Golden State.

Choose between weekly and daily updates

AAAS Policy Alert

This weekly e-newsletter provides an inside look at policies affecting science and technology and the S&T community.

AAAS membership is required.


FYI: Science Policy News

FYI is an authoritative and free resource from the American Institute of Physics that will help you stay up-to-date on the latest science policy news.

No membership is required.


ESEP Newsletter

The Engaging Scientists & Engineers in Policy (ESEP) Coalition is an ad hoc alliance of organizations that have joined together to empower scientists and engineers to effectively engage in the policy-making process at all levels of government (international, federal, state and local).

Individuals interested in hearing about ESEP’s happy hours, webinars, and other ways of engaging with us can sign up for our mailing list. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.


The New York Times: California Today

This morning update is sent out on weekdays and covers the news and stories that matter to Californians (and anyone else interested in the state).

Want more? We also recommend the NYT Morning Newsletter for stories beyond our state.

No subscription is required.


The Atlantic: Weekly Planet

A new guide to living through climate change.

No subscription is required.


NSPN Engagement Roundup

Recieve alerts from the National Science Policy Network on upcoming events, projects, and workshops, as well as professional development, networking, and skill-development opportunities.

NSPN membership is required.


Do you have a recommendation? We would love to hear it! Send us an email:


The Science CoalItion: External public engagement/Science Communication oppOrtunity


Local Outreach Opportunity