Rose Hendricks, PhD: "Communicating Science for Impact"

In partnership with the Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group at UCLA:

Dr. Rose Hendricks is a cognitive scientist with expertise in how language shapes thought. She has applied this background as a researcher at the FrameWorks Institute, where she studied public thinking about a range of social and scientific issues to determine best practices for communicators.

Rose is also the vice-chair of the leadership team for ComSciCon, a science communication workshop series for graduate students, by graduate students. Through ComSciCon, she has led teams of workshop organizers and evaluators to make science communication training accessible to as many graduate students as possible. She is a graduate of Vassar College and earned a Ph.D. in cognitive science from the University of California, San Diego.

Tuesday October 27th, from 10-11am PST.


Evidence-Based Solutions to the Mass Incarceration Crisis: Neuroscience and Cash Bail


Elizabeth Barnert, MD, MPH, MS: "Translating Science on Juvenile Justice to Policy Change"