SPG & E3 Host Clean transportation Panel

Together with E3 and The Green Initiative Fund, UCLA Science Policy Group hosted dinner and a presentation about low-carbon emission transportation efforts in California with guest panelists Bryan Lee of CALSTART and Eli Lipmen of MoveLA.

SPG’s own Narayan Gopinathan began the evening discussing the issue of greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles, which accounts for nearly 40% of all emissions. Gopinathan also introduced the two main solutions to the issue: a mode shift (shifting transportation investments from more to less energy intensive modes) vs. a fuel shift (shifting transportation from fossil fuels to clean fuels like electricity, hydrogen or biofuels), and explained the fuel shift options available — along with their pros & cons — for various modes of transportation.

Bryan Lee, lead project manager at CALSTART. presented next, highlighting the work the nonprofit has done to further electrification of medium and heavy duty vehicles. CALSTART is employing a beachhead implementation strategy of electrification, starting with vehicles with predictable routes and milage (like buses) and scaling up to medium and heavy freight vehicles before tackling long-haul vehicles. Although Lee described continuing challenges to growth (like electric grid capacity and resiliency), he emphasized that the policy landscape has shifted recently to increase the funding available to address these issues.

Eli Lipmen closed out the presentation session highlighting the ballot measures (M, R, H, & ULA) that MoveLA has worked to get passed to modernize transit and increase affordable housing in LA. Due to MoveLA’s work to pass Measure M in 2016, for example, 1% of Angelenos’ sales tax is directed to Metro projects and transportation infrastructure in perpetuity. Lipmen also emphasized the success of a subsidized student transit pass pilot program (GoPass) and called on students to contact the Metro Board to voice their continued support to make it a permanent program. 

A panel-style Q&A and sandwiches from Falafel Inc. followed the presentation. Thank you to the panelists and all who attended for an exciting and insightful conversation!
