Check out what we’ve been up to lately!

Watch: How to Bring Empathy Into Your Science Communication
Squid scientist and & Skype a Scientist founder Dr. Sarah McAnulty presents on how to get involved in science communication and how to effectively and empathetically engage with the public.

Biodiversity & The LA Zoo
The wildlife experts and conservation team at the LA Zoo hosted SPG for a tour and discussion about local conservation efforts!
We learned about the work that the LA Zoo does to promote and protect biodiversity, and worked together to identify areas in which where our research and advocacy align with larger conservation goals.

Science Outreach: Odyssey STEM Academy
We have been working with Odyssey STEM Academy, a Paramount Unified School district high school that was established in 2017. Students are required to complete a senior capstone project before they graduate and require a field mentor to guide them on their project. The UCLA Science Policy group has created opportunities for 5 graduate students to mentor 2 or 3 students on their capstone projects.

Winter 2022 Quarter Schedule: Neuroscience Communication Group
Our collaboration with the Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group, sponsored by the Brain Research Institute at UCLA, continues! This quarter, we will be hosting various outreach organizations to learn about their missions and how to get invovled!

VP Ashna Aggarwal to Join the Rocky Mountain Institute
Congratulations to Ashna, who will be joining the think tank Rocky Mountain Institute in Washington D.C. upon receiving her PhD in Earth & Planetary Science in May 2022!

Documentary Night: Virunga
Join us on Monday, December 6 @ 6:30 PM for pizza and an off-campus screening of Virunga!

Member Spotlight: Sammy Menash
Samantha Theresa Mensah is a 5th year PhD candidate in Materials Chemistry at UCLA. Samantha’s academic passions include introducing others to the excitement of scientific discovery, dismantling obstacles that discourage diversity in STEM fields, and advocating for students struggling with mental illness.

SCIENCE POLICY COURSE: “Science Policy & Advocacy for STEM Scientists”
UC Irvine’s Public Policy Prep (P3) program offers an 8-week semi-formal course focused on the development of practical skills and concepts for science communication and advocacy, with a certificate awarded upon completion.

National Science Policy Symposium: Nov 19-20 2o21
SPG President Yuki Hebner participated as a panelist for the workshop "Writing Effective Science Policy Memos". Watch the recording here!

Why are legislators trying to get rid of daylight saving time?
Reprinted from an article written by SPG’s Zoe Guttman for Knowing Neurons
Image: Anjali Nair / MSNBC; Getty Images

Policy Memo: Establishing Modern Grid Resilience in the Southeast United States
Read a new publication from SPG officers Ashna Aggarwal and Bineh Ndefru in the Journal of Science Policy & Governance!

General Meeting: Nov. 3!
Come join us at the La Kretz Garden Pavillion (in the UCLA Mildred E. Mathias Botanical Garden) to have dinner, meet group members, and learn about our ongoing projects & how to be involved!
Dinner: 5-5:30 PM
Meeting: 5:30-6:30 PM

Zoe Guttman Selected as a California Science & Technology Policy Fellow!
The CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program annually recruits and trains a cohort of fifteen PhD scientists and engineers to spend one year working in Sacramento, directly serving decision makers within the California State Legislature and Executive Branch.

Spotlight: Member Accomplishments! (Copy)
Completed PhDs, teaching awards, and research publications!

Documentary Night: The Devil We Know

Why “Saving Women’s Sports” Won’t Help Anyone
Reprinted from an article written by SPG officer Yuki Hebner for Knowing Neurons
A wave of legislation marketed to improve conditions for women athletes conflates transgender participation with the enduring marginalization of women in sport. Ensuring supportive, not mutually exclusive, access to sports for students is critical for healthy adolescent development and well within the problem-solving capacity of our society. The 80+ trans-exclusionary bills proposed this year miss the mark, and will fail to advance fair sport.

Science Outreach Opportunity
Volunteer for Skype a Scientist, an education non-profit that connects scientists with classrooms across the globe!

Urban Greening: Addressing Public Health and Safety in Underserved Communities
Read a new publication from SPG in the Journal of Science Policy & Governance!

AAAS WORKSHOP: Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering
The 2021 AAAS CASE Workshop Goes Virtual!

Partnership: Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group
Introducing our second year collaborating with the Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group, sponsored by UCLA’s Brain Research Institute!