Exploring Your Universe 2017

This year, we had a booth at EYU, an event where thousands of children and parents came to UCLA for a science fair of free science education and games. This was a great opportunity to work on our science communication skills and we all had a fantastic time!

We made stickers and temporary tattoos with our group’s logo and the words “Support Science Policy!” on them. We had a pinwheel of questions that the kids could play with, and then they were awarded a sticker or temporary tattoo for answering the science-based questions correctly.

They were also encouraged to write letters and make drawings of why they value science on postcards. With their parents’ permission, they gave us their zipcodes so we can use them moving forward in advocacy efforts!

(all pictures are printed with permission of the parents)


Call for AAAS CASE Workshop Applications | March 18 – 21, Washington DC | Applications due February 2


Gerrymandering & Science