Check out what we’ve been up to lately!

Virtual Event: Scientists on the Ballot (5/14/22)
This event is in collaboration with BlackInChem
Scientists on the Ballot will demystify the process of running for office for scientists and other Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics leaders, with a focus on people of color.

SPG President Begins Internship at RAND COrporation!
The RAND Corporation is an nonprofit global policy think tank created to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces.

NSPN Members Learn Negotiation Skills in Virtual Workshop
by Lauren Wagner. Reposted from the National Science Policy Network

Criminalization is an Outdated Approach to the US Addiction Crisis
… and why now is the perfect time to change it.
New science policy article by Cecilia Rabayda for Knowing Neurons!

Graphic Design in Science Communication With Matteo Farienella
We hosted Matteo, an an expert in science communication and visual storytelling. He received a PhD in neuroscience, and is the author of Neurocomic and several other science comics. Watch the recording of his talk here!

Outreach: High School Biology & Medical Career Convention
SPG officers volunteered at a high school event geared towards inspiring the next generation of researchers and health professionals!

SPG Presidents Bineh & Yuki Win UC STEM Policy Pitch Competition!
Watch the winning talks here! “Technology Standards for Hydrogen Fuel Combustion Facilities” and “Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare Restrictions in California’s Faith-Based Hospitals”

Lauren Wagner To Join NSPN’S SciPol Scholars Cohort
Congratulations to our VP of Science Policy & Diplomacy for being selected to participate in the National Science Policy Network’s Spring 2022 cohort of SciPol Scholars!
The SciPol Scholars-in-Residence Program is designed to provide a combination of hands-on training and experiential learning for NSPN members in the world of science policy-- from academia, to nonprofits, to publishing, to government.

“What Memories are Made of”: Visual Storytelling with Tanja Fuchsberger
In collaboration with the Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group: We hosted Dr. Fuchsberger, winner of the Society for Neuroscience Brain Awareness Video Competition. See her video here!

Spring Seminar Series: Media in Science COmmunication
In collaboration with the Neuroscience Communication Affinity Group, we are excited to announce that our focus for Spring Quarter 2022 will be on media! This covers science illustration, graphic design, entertainment consulting, social media, and more!

Dissertation Defense: Ashna aggarwal
Congratulations to our VP of Government Affairs, Ashna, for completing her PhD from the Department of Earth, Planetary and Space Science!

Policy Writing Workshop: Clips
Interested in policy writing but not sure where to start? We cover the basics in this virtual workshop!

LA Watch Party: Science Ethics and Policy Symposium
Ethical responsibility lies at the intersection of science, technology, and modern society. At SEPS 2022, participants will deconstruct pressing issues surrounding AGRICULTURE, HEALTH, PRIVACY, GENE EDITING, and SPECIAL TOPICS.

How Weight Lifting Gets the Brain in Shape
Pop. science article by SPG member Carolyn Amir, published in Knowing Neurons.

Science Outreach: Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
Dr. Anousheh Shayestehpour, the Director of OLLI at UCLA, speaks about her experience in science outreach with the senior community.

Apply Now! Diplomacy Skills Workshop: Negotiation 101
We spend a considerable part of our professional lives negotiating with a variety of individuals and parties, including bosses, colleagues, clients, and government agencies, as well as with family and friends. This workshop, geared towards STEM trainees and early-career researchers who are interested in a Science Diplomacy career, will give you an opportunity to reflect on your own negotiation experience, consider what strategies are more effective, and test practice against negotiation theory.

Land, Sea and Air: UC Graduate Students Explore California’s Environmental Future
Former SPG President and current CCST Fellow Zoe Guttman presented at the UC Speaker Series. Zoe was selected to speak as a winner of the Emerging Scholars Award for Excellence in Research and Public Policy.

Science Education & Outreach: Virtual Field Trips
Seeking volunteers! We partner with the UCLA Science Project to coordinate "virtual field trips", where volunteers prepare a short presentation to break down their research for high school students in underserved LA schools, show the students what a lab looks like, and answer any questions they may have about what it's like to be a scientist!

University of California: STEM Policy Pitch Competition
Do you have a vision for how to apply research in your field to shape California policy?
Enter in UC’s STEM Policy Pitch Competition!

Portola Magnet Middle School Science Fair
SPG members recently volunteered as judges for the Portola magnet Middle School Science Fair! This annual outreach opportunity is a rewarding way to encourage the next generation of scientists! See some of the abstracts for the creative experiments presented by the Portola middle schoolers below: